Public sector

You should think about the public sector. The goals should be that, for example, the unemployed should be able to sign up from their own computer at home and post their CV. So should those who are looking for employees do.

Then actors should be able to select those who want a job or employer and get the alternatives available. One should also offer the courses that are available and the reimbursements that are available and the requirements that are made.

This is how you can act within all public activities. Then you should be able to meet the staff no matter where they sit via link. Preferably a selected contact person.

This means that everything can be managed via link. There is no need to refer to large cities where the cost picture is higher. We can also reduce personal contacts and travel.

The solutions we have created are simple. Everyone can easily create the layouts they feel they need or to send documents and information.

Everyone manages everything at the bank via link.

+46 702 36 86 64
Emprice Marknad AB
Ljur Frälsegården 1B